Home 2019 Happy 20 Months Mia!!!

Happy 20 Months Mia!!!


Mia is officially 20 months y’all!!! Time is literally flying by like WHAAA!!!

She still wears clothes that are 12-18 months. For pjs though, I have switched her to 2T. This way, she has more room to stretch around when it is sleep time

The shoes, she wears now are size 6.

We have yet to cut her hair.

She basically eats anything at this point. At the same time, if she does not want something, she has no problem telling you, “NO!” I’m not going to lie, I love it because now random people cannot feed her…lol 😛

She is still taking one nap at 11am. It can range from 5 minutes to 45 minutes on a good day. The good days are very very rare…lol :p At the same time, she does go to bed at 7pm and (knock on wood) sleeps until 7am.

She does climb the stairs but someone is usually behind her.

I would say she is definitely talking a lot more now. Like the hubby and I can definitely understand her and it is awesome!!! She has started saying her colors and numbers which is pretty cool.

She is still in diapers and not potty trained.

As always, if there is anything specific you want to know, just let me know!

Have an amazing rest of the week!



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