Home 2020 Mia’s Birth Story!!!

Mia’s Birth Story!!!

What happened on the day I gave birth to my first child?


Hello, hello, hellooo!!!

Happy Wednesday Lollygaggers!!!

Cannot believe in less than three weeks with God’s grace our baby boy will be making his debut! I still remember the day Mia blessed us so thought why not share her birth story with you all before Baby Boy arrives. Here we go…

It was early in the morning around 4am when my stomach started cramping like no other! I got up and went straight to the bathroom to make sure there was no bleeding. With God’s grace there was no bleeding but the cramps were like no other. I decided to sleep in another room so that I wouldn’t bother hubby. But for some reason I just could not go back to bed with all the cramping.

I could see the sun coming out and when I checked my phone it was seven in the morning. Hubby was still snoring but I was like “oh no, it is time for you to get up!” I woke him up and told him how I was feeling and of course he started googling away. He was like maybe its Braxton Hicks and I was like what in the world is that? He told me what it was and I was like how are we suppose to know what real contractions are if this is already sooo painful. I decided to text some of my friends and some said its normal and not to worry about it.

At this time, my mom was living in Dallas so I called her to let her know what is going on. She was like just rest and you will be fine but the cramps were just going on. It hurt just to sit down so around 9am, I called the doctor and he told me the same thing hubby said earlier, BRAXTON HICKS. At this point, I basically gave up and decided to suck it up and move on with life…lol :p It really was hard to move on because the pain was unbearable!!! I’m just thankful I never had to deal with Braxton Hicks before this…THANK YOU JESUS!!!

Melvin’s mom stopped by the house with breakfast from Burger King. We told her how I was feeling and she was ready to call in from work. I told her that was not necessary since we have about another two weeks to go. Melvin was telling her it is a thing called Braxton Hicks. I’m telling you that man was so proud to know what was going on and I was like OMGGG…you are such a loser…lol 😛

After she left, Melvin decided to put the pack and play together. Once he finished that he started working on the crib. He put the blackout curtains in the room too. Who knew me being in so much pain would make him finally start working on baby girl’s things. This was the weekend, we were suppose to go and buy clothes for Mia but because I was in so much pain, we decided to do it tomorrow.

For the most part I was laying in bed and trying to take naps hoping the cramps would go away. Finally, hubby woke me up to watch the Rockets game. I came downstairs and I was still in pain. I told hubby lets just go to the hospital to make sure baby girl is okay and then we could go to Buffalo Wild Wings from there. This way, after the hospital visit, we can eat wings and cheer on the Rockets! Honestly, I think I just needed to get out of the house and that is what we did.

We went to the hospital and the nurse asked to rate my pain from 1-10. I told her that my pain was like an 11 and she was like well then, you shouldn’t be smiling and you definitely wouldn’t be talking like this. I was like I’ve been dealing with this the whole day so can you just check on our baby. Then, the nurse took me into a room where they check to see if you are dilated. At this point, she was like if you are not you will have to go home and I was like that is fine. She basically left us in this room for like thirty minutes and I told hubby to go find her because I’m hungry. They both came back and she checked everything and walked out again. She came back saying you are going to this room and we will get you situated and I just looked at hubby. I was like wait, what are you talking about? I was so confused because my plan was for her to tell me that baby girl is fine and we had to leave. But instead, she said that I was four centimeters dilated and my contractions were actually contractions. I was like this has to be a joke but of course it wasn’t!!!

Once we got to the room, I called my mom to update her and she was already on her way to Houston. Melvin called his mom to update her and she was like I told you I should of called in…lol

So in our room it was supposed to be hubby, my mom, and I plus the doctor and the nurses. Melvin’s mom did leave work early to come to the hospital. Every time the nurse came to check up on me, his mom would have to leave the room since she wasn’t supposed to be in the room. I felt bad every time she had to leave since this was her first grandchild and she may never have an opportunity like this. Therefore, I told the nurse as the night went on, let her be in here too. The nurse was like are you sure and I was like YES. I’m sure it made hubby and his mom happy so definitely not complaining.

I got the epidural three times because I was feeling every contraction and everything that was happening in my body. Finally, I was like should we try to do the epidural one more time since I can feel everything. My nurse was like honey, do you feel this and I was like “No, what did you do?” She said that she tapped my knees and was like the epidural has made you numb everywhere else so do not do it again unless you want to do a C-section. She was like it will be very hard for you to push and I know you said that you had an event this coming weekend. I was like okay, well, then, lets just go with it and that is what I did.

It was finally time to push and I had both my moms on either side doing their prayers. One was doing catholic prayers and the other was doing orthodox prayers and I was like OMGGG…MELVIN take a video of this…lol Finally, at 5:04am, Mia Marie Abraham made her debut with God’s Grace.

It is is sooo crazy what we ladies go through to grow this magical human! I never knew what love at first sight meant until I held her for the first time. She truly changed me like no other but definitely for the better. I love this girl with all my heart and I thank her and God every day for giving me the best title ever “MAMA!!!”

Hope you all enjoyed this birth story as much as I did typing it up and reliving it all over again…hehehe J



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