Home 2019 How We Stopped Using the Pacifier

How We Stopped Using the Pacifier


Hello, hello lollygaggers!!!

Hope you all are having an amazing day thus far!

Today, I’m talking about pacifiers. This is something that I noticed that parents are totally for it or totally against it. The hubby and I were definitely planning on using it when it was sleep time. I wanted to make sure she had it when she was asleep. This is because I heard it reduces the chances of SIDS. Therefore, whenever she was napping or sleeping, we would give it to her.

Mia was definitely not a fan of the pacifier. Initially, she wouldn’t take it. As time went on, she would for nap time and sleep time. It felt great that she didn’t need it all the time so we were not too worried about it.

We did go to Italy for about a month and when ever she was fussy, we would give her the pacifier. It literally worked as a charm to sooth and keep her calm. I guess you can say we got so comfortable giving it to her during the trip, we never thought it would back fire. The reason I say this is because once we got back, she would not fall asleep until she had the pacifier in her mouth.

The second night we were back she literally cried every hour for us to put the pacifier back in her mouth. In my head I was like is this a JOKE! Then, I was like we did this to our self. I decided to sleep with her that night since she was basically waking up every hour. If you know me, you know I love my sleep! Therefore, the next day, I decided to go cold turkey on the pacifier.

At this time, she was officially seven months when I decided to go cold turkey. I noticed if she saw the pacifier near us, she would cry for it. Therefore, I literally took all the pacifiers out of her room so she couldn’t see them. I guess by the end of the night, she forgot about it because she didn’t even wake up once for a pacifier.

I do believe the transition was easy for us because we did it at the early stage. I feel like if I tried to do that now (at eleven months), it definitely would not be a smooth transition. Therefore, my biggest tip would be if you do try to take away the pacifier, try to do it earlier than later.

I truly hope this post gives you some comfort if you are ready to say, “bye, bye pacifier!”



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