Home 2019 Transitioning from Baby Bottle to Sippy Cups!!!

Transitioning from Baby Bottle to Sippy Cups!!!

Baby drinking from a pink sippy cup

Are you at that stage where you are ready to start using sippy cups? If so, are you spending about another ten dollars on a sippy cup that just doesn’t work?

Well, let me tell you something, I must of spend about thirty dollars until I found the right one :/ Its not like you can actually test them at the store. If that was the case, I could of definitely saved that money…just saying :p

The one thing I always did after buying the cup was test it out. I would put water in it and try to drink out of it. Let me tell you, some of them were just too hard and I was an adult. I was like if I can’t drink out of it, there is no way my baby girl is going to drink out of it.  Basically, that is what happened the first three times and I would go back to get a different kind. Finally, I found one that worked!!!

I tried introducing the sippy cup at six months but baby girl was not ready. Therefore, I would put it near her so that she can get comfortable with it. Initially, she would play with it and at the end of seven months; she would start drinking out of it. It was during this time that I started putting her milk in it for her to get use to it.

At the end of ten months, I would place her cup next to her with milk. Then, she started picking it up and drinking her milk like a  big girl. It was during this time, I decided to change her cup to the Munchkin Miracle 360 Sippy Cup. She started drinking from this cup last week and we haven’t looked back!!!

My biggest tip during this transition from bottle to sippy cup would be…BE PATIENT!!! If there is one thing I know, you know your baby the best. Therefore, if you feel like they are ready, believe me, they are!!! At the same time, be kind to them and yourself if they don’t get it the first ten times. Lets be real, who likes change because I know I don’t. So be kind and you and your baby will figure it out!!!

Feel free to share your sippy cup stories with me because I would love to hear them!!!



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