Home 2020 Mia’s Second Birthday!!!

Mia’s Second Birthday!!!


If you asked me in January 2020, “What we would be doing for Mia’s second birthday?” I would tell you that we would be at a beach celebrating away. There was no doubt in that plan especially because this was her last birthday as an only child!!!

Then, in March, the corona virus was starting to take over and hubby said that we would have to cancel our trip for now. As the weeks went by, it was announced not to have any gatherings over fifty people. Two days later it was announced not to have gatherings over ten people. By the time, it was the day to celebrate Mia’s Second Birthday, it was announced to stay at home by all means.

At the same time, I decided on that morning to go to HEB to get a cake for Mia. I told hubby at 3pm, we will cut cake and sing “Happy Birthday” to Mia. He said that he would make sure not to have any meetings at that time so that we could celebrate our baby girl. Of course, I did make sure he matched with us…hehehe!!!

Over all, I would say Mia had a great time!!! She got Chick-fil-a for breakfast, played like no other, ate two slices of cake, and had the biggest smile on her face. Here is to another amazing year and many more to come!!!

Love you!!!


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