Home 2019 Super Bowl 53!!!

Super Bowl 53!!!


Can’t believe its already Wednesday y’all!!! Hope y’all are slowly but surely recovering from Super Bowl 53!!! Did you party it up since Brady won or were you celebrating because you were a RAMS fan? I’m guessing there was a few that were there just for the good company and the good food…am I right?

I’m not going to lie but I definitely did not get to see the actual game since I was hosting the party. I think I finally recovered yesterday after sleeping 10 plus hours…thank you baby girl!!!

I have been hosting (a 50 plus guest count) a Super Bowl Party at my house since 2014. It was that year that the hubby (fiancé in 2014) convinced me that we should host a party for Super Bowl, and ever since then, it has been a yearly tradition. Oh, I have to note, last year, we did not host one since I was pregnant. Also, last year was the first time the hubby and I actually watched a Super Bowl from start to finish…lol 😛

This was my first Super Bowl party after becoming a mama so I was a little nervous. The only reason I was nervous was because I usually make all the appetizers and then one of our really good friends does the grilling for the bbq.

This year he decided that he would do all the marination at his house and bring it on the day-of. This was definitely a blessing because our fridge is definitely not what it was back in the days…lol

Back in the days, there really wasn’t anything in the fridge during the weekend of Super Bowl. This way, there was enough space for all the marinated chicken for BBQ and the prepped appetizers. This time, our fridge had all of Mia’s stuff and the prepped appetizers so really there was no room for the chicken. The hubby was like you can figure it out so I was definitely nervous about that. It was like our friend just knew and called one morning saying that he would do all the marination at his house. This was definitely music to my ears and one less thing to worry about!!!

Honestly, I have no idea how I did all those appetizers. I documented all that on the @lizseveryday instagram story and some of y’all were like how are you doing all this with a baby. I thought about it and then answered to them by saying, “I’m just one lucky mama” because I really didn’t know what else to say.

For the most part, baby girl was playing with her toys and just being happy. This is what made it easy for me to do my stuff. Also, she goes to bed at 7pm and that is definitely a plus!!! I literally pulled all nighters on Friday and Saturday to get everything all set with a nap in between. I don’t even think I pulled all nighters back to back when I was in college…lol.

At the same time though, the end results were worth it!!! All the guests were stuffed from all the food and were drinking away. I’m not going to lie but it feels great to see all those appetizers finish in minutes. It truly does make me feel great knowing everyone enjoyed your food especially after all the work you put into it. I bet you that’s how all the chefs feel too…muwahaha…does this mean I’m a chef now???

I guess I should list the appetizers now so you have an idea of what exactly I made…

Chicken Salad on Crack (because they are on crackers…hehehe)

BBQ Meatballs

Buffalo Chicken Pinwheels


Jalapeno Poppers

These are the appetizers that I usually make for our Super Bowl Parties. If you want any of the recipes let me know!!! Also, I’m curious, what are some cold appetizers that you can make for parties that are a hit!!! I would love to hear from you!!!



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