Home 2019 Traveling with a 9 Months Old

Traveling with a 9 Months Old


I’m not going to lie but I was a little nervous to fly with Mia this past weekend. Yes, she has been flying as early as four months but this was different. She is officially nine months old and is well aware of her surroundings. Therefore, it made me a little nervous because what if she didn’t feel comfortable or she was just bored. Yes, babies do get bored and if you don’t believe me, ask your pediatrician!

If you ask my hubby, he will tell you flying with a nine month old is a lot easier because she knows her surroundings. Hence, it’s safe to say the hubby and I were at different stance on this. :p

Now, thinking about it though, I have no idea why I was sooo nervous because she did great while traveling to and from. We were lucky to sit next to some great folks that truly enjoyed Mia’s company so that totally helped.

For the most part of the flight, baby girl was awake and playing away with herself or with the people around her. She did take a nap in between on daddy’s arm. Also, whenever we fly, we try to make sure she has a feed on the plane so that way she stays hydrated which has always helped!If you have any questions, feel free to ask away!!!


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