Home 2019 Traveling with a One Year Old!!!

Traveling with a One Year Old!!!


Hello Lollygaggers!!!

I’m officially a toddler mom! Like WHAAA!!! How did the past year go by so fast? In the past week, I must of pinched myself not once but more like two or three times when someone referred to me as a “toddler mom”. It’s crazy and things have already changed!!!

One of the most asked question this past weekend was about traveling with a one year old. Therefore, I thought I would do a post about it. Let me tell you one thing y’all, anyone who tells you to wait to travel once your kid is one or two, don’t trust them!!! 🙂

We have been traveling with Mia ever since she was four months and we continued doing it until she was eleven months with no problems. It was like we had it down by the books! In a plane, as soon as we took off, I would feed her and then she slept through the whole flight. She basically did this until eleven months and it was amazing for her, us, and lets be real for all the people on the flight too…hehehe

Then, she hits twelve months and everything changes! Our flight this past weekend was a two hour flight and of course we did our usual. The plane gets ready to take off and I feed her. After that hubby lets her fall asleep on him but this time she wouldn’t have it. She was just too curious about everything. She wanted to be entertained that whole two hours and we were like, wait no more naps? We literally looked at each other and were like is she seriously not going to nap even for ten minutes. That is right y’all, baby girl didn’t even close her eyes for ten minutes. Keep in mind, she did get fussy in between and every time she was fussy, I would feed her puffs, biscuits, or even a banana and that would do the trick.

We are so thankful that the flight was only a two hour flight or else we would of felt bad for everyone on the plane. It’s not like I can just sit there and feed her the whole time or can I?

For all of you who say it is easier to travel with a one year old plus, please share your wisdom!!! I would love to hear from you about how you entertain your kids on the plane if they are not sleeping. This mama needs all the tips she can get!


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